Roman Catholic Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

This Roman Catholic Beliefs post is about the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.

The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, also called Immaculate Conception Day, celebrates the sinless lifespan and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary on 8 December, nine months before the feast of the Nativity of Mary, celebrated on 8 September. It is one of the most important Marian feasts in the liturgical calendar of the Roman Catholic Church celebrated worldwide.

This narrative is evil in many ways.

First of all, it points to Mary having a sinless nature, which is contrary to Scripture as all people have a sin nature and fall short of the glory of the Heavenly Father.

To proclaim that Mary didn’t have a sin nature DENIES THAT MESSIAH CAME IN THE FLESH, meaning it denies that Messiah was born with a human sin nature. This renders His perfect fulfillment of the law and prophets without merit. Our Messiah overcame the sin nature that He inherited from Mary, to be able to be the perfect Spotless Lamb to atone for our sins, as He was without sin.

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Secondly, the evil ones in Rome are proclaiming that Mary didn’t sin during her lifespan. Again, this is contrary to Scripture.

Thirdly, the evil ones in Rome are replacing the narrative of Messiah with that of Mary. Messiah was conceived around December 8 on the pagan Roman calendar, which placed His birth on the fall Holy Feast Day. There’s no proof that Mary was conceived at this time.

Instead, the Roman Catholic Church places Messiah’s birthday on 12/25, based on the pagan-god concept of the incarnate christ-child Tammuz being born at this time, nine months after he was conceived on the spring equinox.

Fourthly, statues of Mary are graven images which are forbidden in the 2nd commandment. Catholics, including the pope, bow to the graven image of Mary and pray to her as their supposed intercessor. The popes removed the 2nd commandment from their list.

Roman Catholic 10 Commandments missing commandment two

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Fifthly, we see Mary standing above a crescent moon, as she is the pagan Queen of Heaven, the moon goddess Semiramis.

Roman Catholic Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

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