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Thank you for reading this Bible study on Roman Catholic Beliefs

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Just saying that you disagree, or that your Priest, the Pope, or a top radio/TV preacher teaches differently, is not enough.

For we must rely on scripture and the historical fulfillment of prophecy, not on
speculations that have no proof.

The Word of God is our final authority, not any man.

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Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you in Jesus name!

David Nikao

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88 thoughts on “Contact Us”

  1. Great website ! Glad I found you. I grew up in the RCC. Went to Catholic school for 6 grades. Went to church regularly, confession, prayed the rosary, etc. . Never once heard the gospel explained clearly. It was all about ‘good works,’ which should be our way of thanking God for all He has done for us, niotva way to finagle our way into heaven. I was told repeatedly at church, school, and at home that I was safe because I was baptised as an infant. Thankfully, God brought many public school kids who were good kids into my life who tried to explain it. It took me 11 years to ‘get it.’ I want nothing to do with the RCC. Have been a solid protestant for decades and it’s staying that way !

    • Hello Emily! Thank you for sharing your story! Praise our Heavenly Father for giving you eyes to see the deception of the RCC and guiding you to a covenant relationship with Him through faith in His beloved Son!

      I work hard at exposing the deceptions of the RCC, so that more people come out of her. I do that through prophecy fulfillment explanations on this website:

  2. So you’re misinterpreting. Catholics DO NOT worship Mary, they ASK her to pray for us, no different than asking your friends to pray for you. We HONOR Mary with a statue the same way you likely honor your Mother with a photo of her in your home.

    • So you’re misrepresenting. No Bible verse says that Mary is the intercessor to the Father. That is a manmade false doctrine of the apostate Roman Catholic Church. Try reading the second commandment in the Bible and you see that it’s forbidden to make and bow to graven images.


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