Thank you for reading this Bible study on Roman Catholic Beliefs
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For we must rely on scripture and the historical fulfillment of prophecy, not on
speculations that have no proof.
The Word of God is our final authority, not any man.
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David Nikao
I have known that it is wrong to bow down to Mary. Thank you for sharing anyway.
I believe that Jesus is the way to Heaven. John 14:6
I have a statue of Jesus. No, I don’t bow before it. Is it bad to have it in my house?
Thank you for your comment Bradley! That’s great the you believe in Jesus as your Savior! As for the statue of Jesus, the second commandment says not to make or bow to graven images, so I would default on the side of not having any. The popes removed the second commandment from their list of ten, which is in defiance against God.